Helpful Mopar wife/GF or not...

My wife used to help me a lot in the shop, when I needed it. And she never complains about the money I spend on cars. I have 6 cars now. But times have changed. I was very fortunate to support my family very well, with my businesses, over the years. 17 yrs ago, when I was 44, I sold my Parts stores to Carquest. I did that for a few reasons. One of them was because my wife became Ill with Brain tumors, around 99. She has had three brain tumor operations since 99. She will never be the same as she was pre 99. Now she sleeps a lot and has no real drive to do anything. Also, now she begins to lose her memory. Soooo... she does not come out to the shop much at all anymore, But she still supports my hobby. Yes I am Blessed.