Specifics on the 4 speed in the Hemi cars

I bought the correct handle on Amazon last year. If you look in Jim Schild's book it gives the part number of the handle, and that part number is still valid today. I believe it was $89.

This is not how I´m interpreting the section of the 4-speed trans.
It says handle is welded, and then plated. Housing has black finish.
Also in the Guide there is a PN for a complete Manual Trans Shifter.
First picture is from Castaldo´s Dart. It also show handle is straight, not of set like the recommended replacement handle is. (in the Guide)
Second pic is actually from the Guide.
3 is one of the shifters I have. It´s a comparison of mine, and the original and how HURST is placed on the handle. On the Handle you can find at Hurst today. Hurst is closer to the knob.
Last is recommended replacement shifter #836
20170312_094250 Castaldo No Boot David.jpg
20170312_154803 Jack Thomas No Boot.jpg
20170906_130031 Hurst mark compare.jpg
20170316_151026 ny shifter jmf.jpg