Car guy = Social outcast?

I was a non dancer, to the painful extreme. I didnt board surf growing up in Huntington Beach (!) as I sunburned in about 10 minutes, thanks fair skinned mom! I also loathed public speaking (dont know why I was in dabate class...?) so no dances for me, no talking to girls at parties, no really new friends in high school (hard for me to break the ice with bug ugly braces) but I had some great old friends that were in my class forever. Then I got some wheels in my Junior summer. Wow, that completely turned my life around as I loved to talk shop to anyone that would listen and many guys were into cars back then (although it was usually mini pickups...lame) but I hooked up with a bunch of car guys to this day I still talk to. Heck there was even a girl with a microbus that I got along with. Well, that and beer...that was a game changer at parties. I'd get a few in me and i turned into Buddy Love. I was getting winks from senior girls and half the time I didnt even remember talking to them at the party last saturday night. You want an outcast? look at todays 'gamers' with no physical friends, only the online type. That is sad. Hey, you got a few thousand friends on this site with a common interest and those make the best conversationalist.