Cloyes double roller after 1K

wow, that was fast! looks nice....:thumbsup:

scribe a line where the spring sits and you can monitor its 'progression'

My Mazda MA engine (2.0, timing chain about 3 feet long!) uses a similar nylon slipper tensioner (spring AND ratchet action) and there is talk about the roller chains eating these up on a Mopar. Well, I took the MA's out with 240,000 miles on it, and the nylon IS eaten but only 2 grooves (3 with a true roller) to the depth of the link walls. The rollers end up contacting the nylon and stop any more erosion, so the limited amount of nylon introduced in the oil is probably not an issue as its going to be caught by any filter. A silent chain would probably wear the slipper less as it has a flatter contact face. If your anal about this, you could probably pre-file out these grooves to keep any perceived nylon out of your oil. I like it.