Help fill holes in Trunk lid

Brass and flux
if you really can't get someone to mig those holes up, then you should look into panel bonding glue and a metal plug the same size as the hole even if you have to enlarge it a bit to get a good fit on the solid plugs. Backed by a other(washer that is larger glued to it from the back side as a backer and to help glue to the panel.) I have helped a guy in the field do that on his 270 to gt trim and it's been 5 years since he did that and it still looks fairly good. he did a crappy paint job ion the repair though and on really hot days you can see a very very faint ring if you look hard enough.
That's the problem with panel bond on the outside of a car. The seam raises up when the materials expand and contract at different rates, but there will be those that swear it's the best thing since sliced bread.