Rebuilding a Carr

I wish you a tremendous amount of luck. I had a bout with depression and anxiety about 20 years ago. It's bad enough you get "down" you start talking yourself into ****. It is difficult to wonder whether you are actually going nuts.

But "the doctors" damn near killed me. In fact I am tempted to blame "the big crash" which resulted in a pin from my left knee to my ankle on the "docs." "The team" turned out not to know what the right from the left were doing, and had me on medications I know not what. ONE OF THEM was supposed to be a sleep aid was causing me hallucinations

The point?

DAMN buddy get someone you trust, your wife? to oversee what the medical "professionals" are doing, and don't be afraid to question, re question, and DOWNRIGHT REFUSE some medications. CHECK the side effects, which often include such crap as "may be suicidal" Yep.....that is ALL you need......a medication you hope is helping but which CAUSES you more problems

I sure wish you luck.

Exercise helps if you are able, and "keeping busy" with stuff that is not frustrating helps.

I don't know if I could help. But if you want to talk sometime, shoot me a PM. I work, now, 4 days a week. So I'm not available then.

Back then this nice 86 Ford Ranger got from this


To this. You cannot see, but the left front tire "demounted" itself from the impact and the bare wheel was about where the clutch/ brake pedals should be. I broke my wrist, my left leg was shattered, and banged up my right knee. All this affects me to this day. I know not what happened, I don't remember. "They think" I fell asleep.