Rebuilding a Carr

I give you you a lot of credit for sharing your situation. That alone shows your strength and will to
be able to manage and improve your current situation. For both yourself and your family. Who Love and need you.

Best wishes,

Dave, I have wrestled with telling the truth for ages based on how people perceive me.

I've got to get over how people perceive me and understand it's how I perceive myself.

Burying the truth based on how others see me is cowardice.

Based on the truth, one will either respect me for exposing myself to public opinion or think I'm complete scum.

Either way, for the most part, nothing can be done about what is done, address it, and move on. In order to live for the present and the future a page has to be turned.

By accepting my past - being honest enough with myself and those who offer support - it should be addressed for what it is.

A mistake? A regret? A glaring admission to being human? Being fucked in the head? All the above?

If I look for platform as a place to offer support for myself and others then those who seek to support me should be allowed to do so with the truth.