Need Advices to Setup Rear Suspension

First of all congratulation on your improvement!!!!!
So what did you change from the first video to this one and...........
I still think you have too much air in the tires .........
Do you have screws in your rims? if so, let some more air out and see what it does.

Thanks Man! The first thing that I did was improve more front end travel. At first video I had 4" of travel so I lowered front of car to have 5" of travel. Only with this change car went from 1.54 to 1.51 and checking the video made by my wife I can see that I still having bouncing on the start so I stiffed rebound to 14 and compression to 5 on the rear. Car went from 1.51 to 1.50. About the tires, I was running with 13PSI and I haven't screws in my rims.