Frustrated with inability to do body work!

The hinges are as far forward as they can go. The bolts are against the body holes on both top and bottom hinges. But why are you thinking going forward to solve the latching? I understand for the gapping you would move forward.
Now heres another thing I forgot to say is that the latch has .240 of shim behind it on the body jamb side. But my problem is with going in to far before latch not front to back. Im confused with this alignment!
Heres some pics,
You can see that the door fits really well in this pic but it is not latched tight here.

Heres the pic where the door is latched and you can see how far it is in. My issue is the latch wont come out any farther.
Again I cant get the door to move any farther forward to make a larger gap. This photo makes the gap look larger at the top then the bottom by a lot but its not as bad as it looks. Thats some of the latch moving the door as its in so far.