Cars you'd sell your A body for

Saw my first Demon today. I think I'll keep my D/Darts. Not that impressed with it.

I obviously can't argue with your opinion...but not impressed with the Demon? Come again? ddartdude, please make sure you still have a pulse! :D

Ok. I think I can identify. I wouldn't trade my car for one either...

Spotting a plain Jane /6 more-door Valiant out on the road would be much more exciting to me than seeing some super exotic like a Pagani or a Lamborghini. This is admittedly 100% becaue of my personal connection to a car like a Valiant and my first-hand understanding of why it's an important and special car...

In the case of the Demon though; it was crafted in a lab specifically to turn me into a drooling I have a little more trouble there.

No, I wouldn't trade my Dart for one...but if I had the money, this is sure as hell one of the first places I'd spend it. They impress the hell out of me and I can't wait to see one on the road.