How to repair broke bolts in aluminum

Lotsa ways.

Chuck it in a mill, mill it out with carbide.

Heat it with a VERY tight tip on oxy acetylene. The sleazyout will usually crack up and fall out before the aluminum gets hot, or you can at least anneal and then drill it out.

You can burn it out with oxyacetylene.

you can drop a bead in it with a mig welder. as it cools, it'll fall out, and you can carefully drill the remainder bolt away.

You can drill a hole angling under it, pack the hole with heavy grease, and use a punch to hydraulically punch it out.

You can heat with a propane torch and hit it with candle wax. sometimes they squirt out. (Turn the manifold upside down if you do this)

You can weld a nut to it and turn it out.

You can dremel it out.

Hell, if you try long enough you might be able to talk it out.

Besides beating the person that broke the EZ out off in a Hemi intake, what was the actual solution? Did they learn to throw the EZ outs away?