Sure grip and gear install 8.25

3.23s will make your engine feel 17% bigger than it currently feels.
4.10s will make it feel almost 50% bigger than current.
In either case it will blast thru the gears much faster
If you bring them the stripped-down rear-end, it will or should take then less than 2.5 hours to install the LSD and set up the beast. Up here that's 200/250 dollars. Sometimes the replacement gears drop right in, other times they might have to go in two or three times to get the pinion shim right. If you want a quote, you're gonna get the big number. With used gears, sometimes the pattern won't come in at all;If your car is stuck on the hoist for new gears, it's gonna cost more money to get it off, and back on a few days later.
It will cost you a portion of that for tools if you don't already have them.

It will take you less than 2.5 to RnR that thing, so it's like paying yourself 450/2.5=$180 an hour, or more if your faster!
Don't forget to install the proper oil, or additive for the LSD
Put the cover on yourself, after you and the installer have examined the pattern together. If you don't know what you're looking at,just ask.