CLAIMED 1 of 1 '69 notch??????

BTW, $15-18K is actually lower than what I offered him and he turned it down. he also claimed to have turned down better offers than mine.

Gonna hold on to it for a while with that mindset. It's been for sale for almost a year at this point.
Just from looking at the photos, One would have to spend more than 15K just to get what is good on this car to that point, I think 20K would've been a good competitive
offer....and without being able to see the underside of the car etc. actual value is too hard to say. As clean as it appears, and the fact that the Owner seems forthright in
picking His own ride apart in discussing it, other than the off-hue appearance of the carpet(which can be dyed easily) I'd have to say He'll get 25-28K....................