Built my own dash pad

It is best if you spray the Landau top adhesive but no way I was going to do that inside my house! It was in the 20's here so I could not do the work in the patio like I usually do. If at all possible do this work outside so you don't end up like me.

"I'm stuck on glue. Not matter what I do, I just can't stop - sniffin you!" - Tiffany

Remember, you get ONE SHOT with this adhesive. The foam will separate if you try to remove or reposition it and you get to cut a new piece and start all over again. You apply it to both pieces, then let it dry to a haze then bond them together. What I did was glue the top first (frame to foam with foam lying flat on table) then carefully fold and glue each side followed by the ends and trimming as I went. ANY SCREW UPS HERE WILL SHOW THROUGH THE VINYL! And we don't like screw ups do we? Except at parties... when we can laugh at them.

So here we go..

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