Vacuum leak

Yes its a factory a/c car.

I have heat and the blower motor is working. But there is a open vacuum leak that I'm trying to find. When I test the hose going from the engine compartment back to the firewall under vacuum there is none! The engine runs fine and creates vacuum, that's not the issue. My question is that why I have no power going out for the a/c? Dose the a/c heater vacuum switch need vacuum to allow power to go to the compressor? If so that's probably my problem.

I'm not sure... We just got ours started recently and now must finish more work to get it on the road again... We haven't gotten to the point to run/check the blower motor...

We ordered a new heater only harness for our original A/C car, but then decided to keep the A/C duct box as we didn't want to fill in the holes for the evap lines...

I had to convert the heater only harness to fit the A/C set-up, but it wasn't too bad once you figured out the wiring...