Bootleg Movies for cheap on your TV

I've been meaning to try Kodi. You don't need a Rasberry pi, tho. You can use (I think Android) and certainly a Linux box. So "any old computer" good enough to run XP or later, with the proper Linux/ etc installed..............

I have a Roku box and don't pay anything, but frankly, trying to find free stuff that is not an advertisement every 2 minutes seems to be getting tougher.

I get irritated, the local CBS (channel 2) keeps mentioning "see more on the CW-22" in their stupid newscast, only I CAN'T DO THAT because the "CW" is a low power Spokane area tx that doesn't reach here, and they are too damn cheap to install a translater on the local hill, along wiith the rest of the channels.

Anyhow, trying to make sense of CW on Roku is nearly impossible