
Hey Javelin.

Bye Javelin.
And welcome The Beak.

Hell, I said ten years ago on here that the only chance the hobby has of surviving is "numbers".
Try competing with Mustangs and Camaros with forhemiconvetiblecudasonly.com.
This ain't Leno's Garage or Chrysler Gold OEM , Mrs Bucket. (snit)
15 years ago I could still find grandma Dusters coming into Pull A Part.
Pound puppies nobody wanted.
I know well and good someday even parts for those may dry up even though.
I've got a box full of "spare" gauges and clusters.
At least with "numbers" people will give us options.
But for today, it's still a hobby and not an investment.
Except in the family and people.
The most important thing.

Beaks rule.
Bring on the beak.