Alternator Gauge needle leaning to the "PLUS" side?

Thanks! Yes, the battery was showing charge with the light on (Alternator needle to +).
If the battery is charging with the lights and heater fan on, then the alternator is probably fine.
The question to answer is: why didn't the battery charge up and stay charged after starting?
Answer is going to be Battery itself, inconsistant connection somewhere; or partial short to ground (such as chafed wires touching body).
If its the last, at least you know from the ammeter which side to start looking.

A couple other thing to check; one is voltage while running. If the VR isn't controlling voltage, then the alternator will be at 15 to 17 Volts depending on rpm. With that much voltage, the battery may continue to try to charge (boiling the acid).
The other is to note whether the lights dimmed at idle or conditions. This is a clue on how well the alternator is working and delivering electricity to the system. The ammeter doesn't tell you that. (see crib sheet)