What do you do with your Kids broken Hockey Sticks?

That's when you take a second mortgage out on the house so you can afford to have your kid join a teamsport where the principle thing is to beat on a little black rubbery chunk, but a good part of the time they just beat on eachother;except don't touch the goalie, you'll get a rest-break.So you spend the best part of your life driving them around from one event to another, while life passes you by,when one morning you wake up and can't remember the last time you and your wife were intimate, and the future doesn't look so good either...
But your kid; he goes to college, gets indoctrinated, and finally learns what the little tool in his pants is for, and suddenly he's getting morNu, and he didn't have to get married. Daymn I hate hockey.
Not a true story, and I kept my neighbors name out of it
My girls couldn't even play ping-pong.
My sun is a avid and well-adjusted video-game junky, like the majority of his peers, and seems to have survived his lack of hockey reasonably well. And his second son is due in less than 3 weeks.... He better not try to get into my pockets to buy sticksNchit. He can mortgage his own daymn house .................lol