Mushy brakes 4 life...

Something definitely wrong with that drum/backing plate combo. If everything with the 8 3/4 is B body then you shouldn’t have any issues like what you’ve got.

So, the next deal is to look at the backing plates. The thing is that there are 3 different 11” backing plates. The plates for the 11x2.5”, 11x2”, and 11x3” rear drums all have a different backing plate offset. They all use the same axle flange offset, so, the plates have to be different. You can’t use 11x2” plates with 11x2.5” shoes and drums, or any other combination of parts.

Here’s a post on how to measure them and what the measurements are for each one. Ignore the title, it has all the BBP measurements you need too.
Converting rear drum brakes from SBP to BBP

It almost seems like the green bearings have set the axles in too far. But not by much. I have the thick gaskets installed from dr diff as well. Surely that’s not enough to cause my issues. I wish I had a set of 11” backing plates and drums that I know worked off another car. Ugh.

So people don’t have to click the link and go back and forth.
