What /6 is Best For Forced Induction 170, 198, or 225?

If I was going to build an all out, take-no-prisoners, high boost or spray Slant, I would DEFINITELY go with a 170.
The engineers that designed and built these things focused on the 170 as the performance engine. They considered the 225 a compromise best suited to hailing heavy sedans and taxi cabs around. One engineer was quoted as calling the 170,."the perfect engine" and there are tales of them running for days on end at WOT on the Chrysler dynos back in the day.
One of my daily drivers has over a million miles on it without ever being opened...a 64 Dart with a 170.
I abuse and neglect that poor thing without mercy! In five years, I've changed the oil once! And yet she keeps humming along like a brand new mill.
The 170 is beyond doubt, the superior Slant