Help with aluminum Intake ID P4532063

Oh! Like a MSD dial back timing reostat thing? That would solve a few issues.
I love mine; an old Jacob's. I used it to sneak up on the timings. Making multiple graphs, over time, and numerous changes to the D and the Vcan to co-ordinate them for a DD, for all uses
But there were two situations I could not solve in the D itself.
The first was cruise timing. There just was not near enough at 2250=65mph
And the second was parading. There was just way too much at 550rpm=4mph, with a stick car and a 230* cam; it was a bucking-bronco.
I set the tool in the middle and can retard 8* and advance 7*, and problem solved.

An interesting sidenote is that when sitting at a red light, I can retard the timing from it's usual 14, to 6*, with the rpm falling some 100rpm, to where you can hear the lope., and that's always a hit in the next lane.
Another hit is to put the line lock on, and slip the clutch out, at 1000 or so rpm, and let the tires rotate at a slow rpm waiting for the green.Everybody likes smoke and howling tires. When the tires start to heat up, they start to bite, and then the car starts to do a little dance between bite and slip. That's a bigger hit. When the light turns green I let them blast-off,lol. My car is terrible off the line,60 footing in the mid 2.2s.....I even got spanked by a 350cc motorcycle, for a good long way.