73 Dart Swinger - Need advice!!!!!!!!

Well, first you have to make a plan and decide exactly what engine you want to reside between the fenders and go from there.

While the HEMI is born with higher HP & Tq., you may have a lot of figuring to do and I do not know all the possible hidden expenses. It maybe a lot up front but ten again, costs may balance out to justify one direction or another.

I don’t know what a 5.7 costs in your area or how much more the 6.1 is, or how much ch more a trans will be with it.

There is a lot to consider. Running the computer? Going carb? What intake will be used? Cost? Carb cost? That is a very variable price tag on the carb alone.

Really, the bottom line is what’s in the wallet, how much work you want to involve yourself with, how much power you want, etc...

The LA route is probably considerably cheaper depending on the HP level/parts used.


I just wish I would find someone local with a screaming good deal - that would say hey I have this ready to drop in Magnum because I am moving up to a New Gen Hemi - then I can just Plug n Play and it would be a No-Brainer. LOL!!!!!

Pretty sure that will happen sooner or later - I just gotta be patient. but for the time being like you said I need to decide which route I am gonna take and stick with it so I can start collecting parts as I don't have as deep pockets as I wish/think I have.