You folks do realize we have pretty close to the same number of guns per capita as you do here in Canada but you never hear of school shootings here , hmmm wonder why eh ? could it be that the reason someones kid is an ahole isn't society's fault or video games or access to guns ? could it be parenting ? could those of you who say you know great parents with ahole kids maybe not know what great parenting is ? If we are going to have this conversation lets make it an honest one yes bad kids can come from decent people but there is a limit to how bad that kid will be , lashing out when they don't get their way is the act of an unchecked 2 year old and show a parent who may have loved and cherished their child but not enough to kick their *** when they acted that way every time until they knew that was the result of that sort of behavior .Fact proven by the only large sample long term study on the subject of physical punishment proved that children who are not spanked earn 40% income as adults are 8 times more likely to be caught up in the criminal justice system and the real telling stat -16 times more likely to re-offend . Guns don't kill people murderers kill people , In my childhood every adult in the neighbourhood was allowed to smack me if I got out of line and god help me if I ran home and complained about it because I would get a beating to remember for embarrassing the family with my behavior .