Stop in for a cup of coffee

Lol I know the feeling! I got an ECG at my family doctor. The nurse performed it. She got this panicked look on her face and ran and got the doctor. He took a look at the screen and told me I was having a heart attack. I laughed and told him, "Nope, that's how mine looks when it's normal." He kept asking if I had chest pains. My heart runs like a /6 with two plug wires disconnected and there solution is to put me on a med that will slow my heart rate! Great idea, go ahead and put me in a coma. Idiots.
Same here, like my VA dock he is trying hard to deal with my issues, My wife was freaking out for a long time when the VA sent a letter here that she opened and it said my claim for throat cancer was denied. I don't have that at all at least yet, so I bring her to see the dock with me to settle it, he gets her straightened out, then asks how I feel after a few beers, tell him better so he says in front of the wife "if I could prescribe beer I would" Well she cant ***** now I drink to much beer!:rofl: