Sometimes easy money and sometimes not so easy



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
Had a service call this morning because a person's cat got behind their desk and the computer went off.
Their cat stepped on the power strip switch.:D

Heck yes they got charged, because I had to drive a classic Mopar into town and flip the switch again.:D
They were happy to have someone come to their house and figure it out.

Tough life huh?
Have to hit a home run every now and again to make up for the strike outs.

Yep, even though I don't get many strike outs.
Some jobs are just more involved than others, but I just get paid more when that happens.
Hopefully you didnt reveal the source of the problem to them. Your classic Mopar will need to be driven again, and they clearly have more money than brains.
Hopefully you didnt reveal the source of the problem to them. Your classic Mopar will need to be driven again, and they clearly have more money than brains.
Can u send me some of that ?!-----Luck I mean---------
Love it when that happens. I have been out on several service calls where all I have ad to do was follow the cords and plug the thing back in.
but you need to have 10 of those to make up for every time where something you did 3 months ago "must be" the source of the problem they are having that just started today...according to them.
but you need to have 10 of those to make up................
Part of the game, no?


In a previous life I was into HVAC/R service. I've gone out someplace the dog, the kids, the ??? bumped the disconnect off. They were told before I went out that we had a 1 hour minimum charge. Even so, they sometimes "bitched" and while doing so did not want a routine service which the thing probably needed.

"All you did was flip a switch? I shouldn't have to pay for THAT!!"

You certainly get to "run the gamut" of people
Hell ya. Rarely get any sort of ease like that when installing flooring or tile work. I do get that occasionally when called for mechanic work tho.
Painting on the otherhand is usually worse when you show up then from what they say over the phone lol
In a previous life I was into HVAC/R service. I've gone out someplace the dog, the kids, the ??? bumped the disconnect off. They were told before I went out that we had a 1 hour minimum charge. Even so, they sometimes "bitched" and while doing so did not want a routine service which the thing probably needed.

"All you did was flip a switch? I shouldn't have to pay for THAT!!"

You certainly get to "run the gamut" of people

On that note:
Had a guy call and say his friend sent him a video and it wouldn't play.
Well, I get there and he had turned ALL the services in windows off, so by the time I got there he didn't have internet or decent video or anything. (I know you know what this involves)
I restarted all those services and ended up having to replace his flash player anyway because that was actually the problem in the first place.
He said his neighbor told him turning off the services would make his computer faster, so he turned everything off.
It took me a few minuets to figure out why windows was so jacked up.:D

Anyway, he calls again a few years later and says he's got another video that won't play and I "better get my a** over there and fix it right this time"
When I ignored the comment and told him it was going to be a paid service call he started screaming at me that I was nothing but a GD thief.
I said, "Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you" and hung up on him.

Most people appreciate that someone who can actually fix a problem for them can come to their house and do it.
Some cry and whine and tell me they are not going to be able to eat that month, and to those I just say one word, (priorities):D
I really only get about 2 real A holes a year.

We have a 1 hour minimum if we go to their house, but drop off's are often free if it's something simple.
I get paid by the job, I can't help it if I make it look easy sometimes. That's why I send the customer away and tell them I'll call them when the project is done.
I service commercial fire alarms. Often get after hours calls. Clock starts when I leave, so its travel plus a 2 hour minimum site charge. Seen lots of calls where I just press the reset button. At $110/hr its awesome. Makes up for the dirty ones!
I service commercial fire alarms. Often get after hours calls. Clock starts when I leave, so its travel plus a 2 hour minimum site charge. Seen lots of calls where I just press the reset button. At $110/hr its awesome. Makes up for the dirty ones!

HERE is a story!!!!

In the late 90's I installed Motorola 911 radio / telco dispatch and hilltop site equipment. We got involved with electric door lock controls mostly for the jail down in Ritzville, WA. As the project got close to the end, I could NOT figure out two doors. These were access doors for the courtroom, and while they could be manually locked / unlocked, the electric system when it powered down left the doors accessible. This was for fire danger, as you don't want to trap folks

ANYway there were no prints of the building, and it had been re-re-re -re modeled. We tried to tone out the wiring and got lost in the conduits

SO ONE DAY I'm in dispatch, and the fire alarm guys are there finishing up THEIR end, and one of them said something about those doors and the "relay in the mechanical room."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??!" I said to him

He looked at me funny and said, "oh, not your stuff, some of the door locks dump power with a relay on the boiler for the fire system."


I bet I had at least 20 man hours into that damn thing on those two doors!!!
HERE is a story!!!!

In the late 90's I installed Motorola 911 radio / telco dispatch and hilltop site equipment. We got involved with electric door lock controls mostly for the jail down in Ritzville, WA. As the project got close to the end, I could NOT figure out two doors. These were access doors for the courtroom, and while they could be manually locked / unlocked, the electric system when it powered down left the doors accessible. This was for fire danger, as you don't want to trap folks

ANYway there were no prints of the building, and it had been re-re-re -re modeled. We tried to tone out the wiring and got lost in the conduits

SO ONE DAY I'm in dispatch, and the fire alarm guys are there finishing up THEIR end, and one of them said something about those doors and the "relay in the mechanical room."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY??!" I said to him

He looked at me funny and said, "oh, not your stuff, some of the door locks dump power with a relay on the boiler for the fire system."


I bet I had at least 20 man hours into that damn thing on those two doors!!!
Been there! Gotta say though I enjoy the "chase" with that kind of call.