DAMMIT RAY ! (old indian saying)

RRRRRRRRustyR R , hit it right on the head! I went out in the garage for a bit today, took the hood off and started looking for a reason for a vacuum leak. when it backfired it blew a rubber cap off the extra 3/8" vacuum port behind the throttle body, there are two 3/8" , the other is hooked up to my pvc valve. I couldn`t find the plug so I made one w/ a teather on it to contain it in case it happens again. Kinda like an explosion panel . Thank GOD it wasn`t serious ! ROB, I`ts only 10.3 comp. It has been blackening the plugs, even tho I have it set leaner than the built in settings. Easy to change stuff w/ the handheld for the fuel inj. ! HAPPY CAMPER AGAIN !!

Black plugs could indicate low initial timing. Where do you have it set? Isn't it locked out? I caint remember.