Gimmie a Brake HELP

Yeah, if you “knew” you’d realize it’s not even going to be close.

The offset on the backing plates is different by a half inch. But it’s not in the right direction. The SBP plates are a 1/2” shallower than the BBP plates. And the BBP drums are 3/4” deeper. The BBP axle flange is only about 5/16” further out. So, how much are you going to turn off those brake drums?

Here’s your backing plate measurements
Converting rear drum brakes from SBP to BBP

And your axle flange offset
View attachment 1715144028
What I know is what I see in the above pic. I agree with what You've got there spec-wise, but what I see is a piss-load more than 5/16" of exposed shoe, and the angle
is actually hiding more unseen. Me-thinks there is something like 2.5" backing plates on there...........If it was simply a matter of axle offset, there would be almost no
shoe visible because the "extra" surface beyond the inner lining edges would cover most of that 5/16"