the Dart stalled a few times while in gear at idle

I just took the car on a drive to run a couple errands and no problems - as I said most of the time it's fine. I got home and with the car nice and warm I checked the idle RPM in park.....620

I think my ear was correct and the idle is way low. Whats recommended these days with today's gas in an automatic? 900? 950?

I do not have a helper right now to hold the brake pedal down so I can check the idle while in drive

Great suggestion to set the idle mixture screws while the car is in D. I will do this next time I have a helper nearby. Currently the screws are 2 turns out. This morning I removed the screws and squirted carb cleaner down the openings.
You could bump it up a quarter turn. I like 650 in drive. Setting on a level surface you should be able to stay stopped to just slightly creep idling in drive. Setting the idle mixture in drive is ok. You need a helper, a good working parking brake and/or wheel chocks. Be safe not sorry. Setting the idle mixture can be a whole other thread here on FABO. Max. rpm or max. vacuum are 2 different ways. The most important thing is that the engine can't be idling too high so that the carb is operating off the transition or main metering systems of the carb. The throttle plates must be closed.