Door track snail springs, safe removal & installation?

Hi guys,
I have some junk 1970 Duster doors & a pal needs the snail springs from the window mechanisms.

The doors & tracks I have are bent bad, so just sending him the whole track assemblies is out.

So I need to know how to get the snail springs out safely.

He needs to know how to reinstall them safely.

Any tips, tricks, special tools or advice please?


This one is from a Challenger, but same type of spring;

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I admit it I stole this from the autobody store forum

I looked this up AFTER I forgot to remove the rear quarter springs on my 66 dart convertible. Wile trying to make them power windows. yes it does work since I have tried it on my wifes car "just because" I never found the first spring that went flying into theyard before I learned this trick.

Window regulator spring removal and installation.
By Brian Martin

Today I walked up to an apprentice at work to see him trying to put a spring on a window regulator with a screw driver, while another apprentice had a long pry bar against the spring so it wouldn’t pop off into someone’s face.

They were amazed at how easy we installed this spring using an old trick. Like with anything we are trying to bend, pull, “manipulate” around a car, it takes CONTROL over all other factors every time to get the job done with the least effort.

On this window regulator spring, the first thing is to take a picture of it, or at least draw a little diagram of how it goes back on! Nothing like staring at something like this after a day of hard work trying to figure out which way it goes. A digital camera helps a lot for stuff like this.

You want to hold the spring onto the regulator so it doesn’t fly off, to do that simply put a large C clamp around the back of the regulator onto the front of the shaft that the spring is on. This shaft is going all the way though and you can clamp this clamp on there pretty firmly without damaging anything.

Now you get a pair of vice grips and grab the end of the spring, you will have complete control as you pull the end of the spring off the hook that grabs it on the regulator. Like wise as the photos show, you have the same control to wind this spring back over to hook it on the hook where it belongs.

Don’t forget gloves, and a face shield isn’t a bad idea either, I like all my teeth! I know it isn’t going to go flying, but I still put on my seat belts on the way to work and I know I am not going to have an accident too, right?

