Annoyed with Dantes

Welcome aboard! We got lots of hostility here.

Luke...a suggestion don't order door panels from Year None.
Sheesh...a simple e-mail is causing all this hostility. Life is to short to get worked up over a lead time.

The e-mail that was sent to Luke I quote.
"Hi Luke, We left you a voicemail in regards to the interior
panels.We didn't know if you had preference in manufacturers as
we carry both the Legendary and PUI interior panels.We have the PUI in stock and Legendary would take about
8 weeks to be made. Please let us know which one you prefer so we can
process your order."

It was just a courtesy e-mail giving you another option if you didn't want to wait.

The issue has been resolved, I got a refund for the door panels, still getting the rest of the parts from them