All mopar friends here?

Didn't say they don't have a right to ask. P.T. Barnum said " There's a sucker born everyday", but what happened to brotherhood and a sense of decency toward our mopar friends?

I think that "left" a very long time ago, and not just cars, or Mopars. I was first licensed as an amateur radio operator about 1965. "Back then" there WAS a real brotherhood of help, cooperation, etc. "Sometime" about maybe the mid 80's this changed a lot, or had changed. There are/ were several "on the air" swap nets. W7BUN in the Sea-Tac area, or "Clarence" on 40 meters. There was a lot of "junk" sold along with the "good."

ON THE OTHER side of the coin, you/ I have no idea what someone might have INTO parts. Either cost, labor or both.