Shoulder and foot pain.

Foot pain!? Don't ever get a bone spur on your heel!! Had 1 20 years ago, I was on horses all day and if I stepped off wrong, wow, a knife in the foot would have felt good compared. Doc said, it will go away, it did,,,2 weeks later I had one on other foot!!!! lol it left, and not had one since.
Maybe Rant needs to apply some DMSO and rust penetrant ( your fav. brand) !???
I bet it get harder all the time to find quality and affordable boots for foot problems!

I can say this, I wear whats commonly known as "cowboy boots". The ones made by Justin, Tony Lama, Ariat to name a few.... are pretty "lame". Better brands have better shanks, construction, ,... but if you have an odd foot like mine,I really need a custom made boot that is made to fit MY foot. I have high instep and a somewhat narrow foot. Well they are not cheap, and I have never owned a custom made pair. I simple by a letter brand like Rio of Mercedes that actually at least offers a B width.