Any Roadkill fans in here?

my Daughter and I cannot get enough of these clowns, such a riot watching the show.
Love Roadkill, Roadkill Garage, Engine Masters, and the Roadkill extra's.

Yes to both! There funny slap sticky guys goofing around and getting paid too.
I like to see Steve, Finn & Frei get togther to finish the 3 stooge act competely and perfectly!
They are to funny!

I like the Engine Masters dyno runs/comparo's. It may not be the most well thought out polished professional production or scientific methods with great big math on black board explanations, but it shouldn't have to be that way ether IMO. That is what collage is for!

Started watching their stuff a few months ago and i've been hooked ever since lol. Love the junkyards rescues and stuff they do
I likeit as well though they need to make sure of a few things before they get caught with there pants down at the ankles! But it does crack me up!

We ran out of gas...
Fuel line was rotted....
Arcing of spark... bad wire...
Bad fuel gauge...
