Conversion to Rallye Dash

The 67 dash and the 67 inst panel are a bit different from 68 and up. The glove box liner and door don't interchange. The 67 inst' panel has a one year only climate controller, bolt locations different, lever slot lengths longer, one cable routed differently. You can make it work. In the end, a 69/70 rally dash and inst' panel are the simplest most straight forward swap.
So you already have the 67 dash. Deal with the glove box. Either close the ign' switch hole or put something else in that bezel ( manual choke pull for example ). I cut a second switch bezel into my 67 dash for the right mirror remote controller ( custom built long cable mirror ).
Seek a 69 and later inst' housing and bezel so your 72 climate controller fits/works in it, and maybe not need a dumb wheel radio.
When you get to the additional panel harness connector on left side circuit board with 3 pins inline... I can show you a neat way to do that. Those 3 little pins are too fragile anyway.