Jeff's 727 rebuild thread

I just had this happen to me last week, where I swear I had the rear band in the anchor correctly, but could not get my low/reverse drum in because the band was pinching it. I have done a bunch of these and still had it happen. The notch in the band did not fully engage the flat piece of the stationary anchor, so it was basically not as loose as it should be when the small flat strut was put in the other side. I used an angled pick to hold up the flat part of the stationary anchor and the band clicked into place. Smooth sailing after that. I know you already checked it, but please check it again carefully. Also, your new band appears to have thicker lugs, so I agree with KickDown and oldkimmer that the band is not in the strut fully. KickDown's picture seams to show it sitting lower in that strut, although it could be the angle of the pictures or just the difference in bands, so I am not sure.