New Spray Paint Cans That Stop Spraying After The First Squirt?

Bad Idea throwing any aerosal cans in a fire... They're not meant to burn, they explode.
While in the Navy in 64, one of our paint lockers caught on fire. Me and another guy tried getting it under control till the base fire dept could get there, didn't work, aerosal cans were going off like bombs, and blowing paint all over the place. The regular gallon cans of lacquer (for aircraft) were going off also. We were using those big fire bottles on wheels, and they were not enough. What a mess.
I never could proove it but I always thought one of those guys that got drafted, that we received, in our outfit, (yes the Navy got a few draftees, at the big build up for Viet Nam) threw a cig in there. Long time ago now.