Us up North.......

You guys are silly up north LOL no road salt here at all. One part of town it got up to 70 today clear sky. Beautiful fresh Oregon Tall Pine trees everywhere! I seen all manner of hot rods out today for their first time! It was awesome and even the creation cars were out too! What a fun day to be in Portland today. Oh I mean yeah it was rainy Portland as always it sucks here you don't want to live here don't come here! I mean visit once in awhile but believe me it will be raining guaranteed it's a rainforest don't come here....
Well, i'm still not moving to Portland. I hate big cities. Just can't stand them. Snow and all was beautiful here, but after the winter months, I'm look'n forward for the cars :D
I'm not a big fan of big cities either. You know we traveled the United States this summer and still there's not a bigger city like Portland that I have found anywhere. We live in a heavily wooded neighborhood that within three minutes I could have you in a pasture petting a horse from my front door. Portland had some serious Urban boundaries put up a long time ago by its local government. It's not like La where you can drive for 4 hours and never leave the city. With all that said I can still hardly wait to move out to the country if that ever can manifest itself. Oh yeah and we're not going to drive the hour and a half west to the beach on this nice day we're going to drive the hour-and-a-half east and go ride the snowmobiles today...
PS. FYI, it's good to hear you're not going to move here because statistically besides the three states that surround us oddly enough Illinois is our biggest importer of foreigners