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this was my first post, but there are plenty of replies (i dont feel like quoting)
am i the only one who is annoyed by this?
(and not just because this is a scam to harvest personal info)

it seems to me the sole purpose of this company is to spread discord amongst our people

you got all these people that go "i used to be german, now im irish"
hows about you're an American and leave it at that?

the one that really bugs me, is the chunker black lady..."i dont know where i came from"
well, i got to keep myself from yelling at the TV that she obviously done came from the wafflehouse and from the looks of her, shes had the all-you-can-eat flapjacks and won

and then she puts on a hat and start crying that shes a nigerian...while im on the couch doing my best Ron Black "take off the hat!!!" impression

i mean, come on, i am sick and tired of hyphenated Americans, buncha discord sowing pansies
that nonsense wouldnt have flown 2 centuries ago

good luck finding a second generation European whose parents moved to the US (by boat, through Ellis Island and LEGALLY) who A) doesnt speak English, and B) can speak the language his parent spoke back in Europe

and...it turns out im not the only one who thinks this is stupid, as some of these commercials imply