ATSG rebuild guide 904 and 727

well seeing i paid for the book i figured i can share it with who ever i want. no different then printing it off and giving it to a friend or letting him barrow the book from me..

If you loan a book to a friend, you’re loaning a book you paid for. The book itself is now your property, if you give it away or loan it out that’s your business.

If you print him one, you’re reproducing a copyrighted work without permission of the author/publisher. You are now distributing the content of the book, which is copyrighted information. The physical book you bought is yours, but the content still belongs to the author, that’s the copyright part.

If you host it online, you can be held responsible for each and every download of the book. You’re essentially reproducing the book with each download. At least that’s how the record companies went after the people that hosted large volumes of mp3’s for free download back in the Napster days. Successfully, I might add, in more than a few cases. Most people settled out, servers were taken down, fines were paid, etc. Of course they only went after the “big” violators, people that were tied to tens of thousands of downloads or more.

Whether or not that particular author or publisher pursues legal action against you is a totally different story, but they could if they wanted too. Where most of this stuff slides is sharing content that’s out of print, there isn’t always an active publisher/owner of the information to pursue action. But the ATSG manual is still very much in print, so, that publisher would probably have cause to sue for copyright violations. Might not be worth it for them, but that’s a different story.