Need help NON mopar 1967 Pontiac Lemans 326

I liked it lol.
But what can you teach me about black shells?
Or are you just dissin the A/Cs in a Mopar?

It's hard to see (especially in pictures) how much heat is in the plug. Depending on the manufacturer, the plating on the plug changes color depending on heat. NGK's don't read like a Champion, and neither read like an Autolite.

Since I've been reading Champion plugs since 1972 it's what I use. If I have to do the tune up, the first thing I do is screw in a set of Champions. If the customer doesn't like it, when I have it close I'll use what they want.

Actually, I worked with a guy who used NGK's in his blown alcohol car, so I'm fairly comfortable looking at blown alcohol NGK's.