RIP Stephen Hawking

I have my beliefs and they don't involve any fairy tales, neither do they involve any magic underwear. As far as Hawking being one of the most brilliant minds the world has ever known, maybe so. But remember that everyone is ignorant of something.

Agreed, but when Hawking spoke he was well within his specialty of theoretical physics.
Theoretical yes, but if I had to put stock in a theory his would surely be at the top of the list for possibility in my mind.
My thing is that I don't subscribe to anyone's theories completely without question.
Not Hawking's, nor Christian beliefs , or anyone else for that matter.

I don't completely believe time is just something we notice happening and called it the passage of time as it went by.
I think it's possible we are misunderstanding time, and that it is possible that it is actually a physical thing that could be navigated like a ship on an ocean if we just knew how.
Maybe black holes pull time in as well as all other matter, and time actually has mass that we don't yet have the ability to understand.
But since we are so stuck in the idea that it isn't a physical thing and just a perception of the human mind, we can't yet understand exactly how it does what it does and why.

Now let me mix the religious side and the science side together for a moment instead of thinking/believing they are separate things where one is right and the other is wrong.
Take "the power of prayer" for example.
I am pretty sure praying does make some difference in certain events.
I am sure there are particles of atoms that respond to human presence differently than if they would not be physically observed by humans.
Is it possible that prayer could actually be affecting matter and reality itself?
Could it be the power of prayer is simply the human mind affecting matter, and even reality?
Could it then be possible the universe (or whatever it is) is what actually answers prayers?
Science would say that is possible, but religion would argue that saying it is God that answers prayers.

Then when we ask for others to pray for the same thing, are we then increasing the affect that multiple minds have on reality increasing the possibility of the outcome we pray for to become that new reality.

It would not be possible for me to think this way if I strictly believed religion or science separately and not consider both together as possibly holding the answers.

Consider a piece of rope.
It couldn't exist without the strands of material, but it also couldn't exist without those strands being intertwined.
So I feel how it is with religion and science, that a mixture of the two are where the real answers lie.