How to repair Body dents on a Plymouth Duster?? Best way.....

Practicing on junk panels is good advice. You also need to look at the whole picture. Can you prime,prep and paint it too. Many times I see people do body work then get stuck. The car gets rattle can primer and starts to rust cause they can't or do not do the next step.

They then solicit a bodyperson who, if a professional, will either tell you they don't want anything to do with it or cost you more money than it would have if you would have left it alone.
So true Bodyperson and have seen just that, lots. looked at an old ford truck not to long ago the guy said he just wanted me to prep and paint it. all the body work was done and in primer. So when I went and looked at it you could see all the spots that were repaired and ask the guy how he fixed the rust, he said he did it the right way foamed it then filled it with bondo' and then used a cheep rattle can primer non etching. Told him I could paint it for 20,000 and it would have been cheaper if he would have not tried to fix it himself. I'm not fixing that truck he thought I was crazy on my price, but I am not willing to put my name on someones bullshit fix