Broad question from a rookie

I'm seriously considering building my first engine and I'm thinking about trying to build a 360 into a stroker 408. My goal with the car is to build a sturdy 400+ hp freeway flyer that still has some bottom end. I'm planning to upgrade the steering and suspension, the rear end, and probably switch the 904 tranny for a 727. I basically want to make sure the car can easily handle the extra horsepower without breaking. If someone has time, I would like any suggestions on a cam and heads that would fit best for providing the best of all worlds. I'm also curious about how to select the rear end gears because I don't fully understand it other than the lower gears like a 323 are better for top end. I apologise, I'm a rookie hungry for information lol! Thanks
It looks like you have the engine questions resolved/answered.

So, what did you want to know about broads?