69 barracuda A Body hood release..

Thank you all,
I believe I may have found what I'm looking for but if there is a need, I'll let you nice and ever so helpful fellows know.

On an more important matter I thought I may share with you all.
Just a thought, but most MOPAR fans (myself included) feel that we have a Godly shade of protection from the BIG GUY, upstairs. because we are Mopar fans , lol
All kidding aside. After a long and hard week at work, I finally got some sleep yesterday (sleep Mon thru Fri 15-18 hrs) and in the midst of trying to fall and stay asleep I was contacted by some gentleman who not only has what I need, but understood something of mine that was/is personal, not only was this man trying to be as understanding he was helpful. Above and beyond the call of duty..... Of a Mopar fan.
With that said, God looks down on us fellow "moparites"
You all have a blessed Sunday.