Pork roast, is one thing, Boston Butt is what I call shoulder...... anyway, I would be surprised if any cut of pork or beef did not cook up tender in crock all day on low heat.
I do a pork shoulder in crock with 1 can of soda pop, put a little brown sugar and a few chipolte peppers ( canned) on top, on low all day, it will have a little sweet moist and somewhat hottest flavor. Let it sit 30 minutes after cooking to absorb some more juice,
But you can't necessarily go by me.. I love cheesy grits, boiled peanuts, crawdads ( mudbugs to some), greens, and 62 Lancers!!ll lol

The crockpot never came off of low, the toughness was in cooking too long and a lean cut of pork. I believe this cut is Blade Boston Butt Primal.