Any Tiger Woods Fans?

I haven't played a round of golf in 20 years. But I enjoyed watching Tiger when he was on top of his game. We don't know if he was having trouble in his marriage or if he just wanted some strange, and could. He may have thought he was invincible. I certainly would never approve, but I can kinda see why, considering where his career was at the time. Since falling from the top to the bottom, and not laying with his wife, or others, his game suffered.

Hopefully, he's addressing his sins. I've watched him the last two tournaments and he is definitely playing good golf. Had he not hit out of bounds coming down the stretch, he could have won today. He also seemed to be enjoying himself today...smiling a bunch.

If you still have your clubs we need to meet halfway and play a round. If anything we can turn some heads while unloading our clubs out of the Fastbacks!:lol: