Help, 4 speed console via automatic console


If you said hunting, hmm maybe, just maybe, but fishing? Not my thing.
Too much patience needed.
Like yourself I also have a Finance Minister myself (Well you addressed that you are married, so I didn't know if you swing on this team or play with the "other" team) Regardless, I have one of the opposite gender that can do a whole lot of stuff, but she don't Hunt.
Plus, I have north of 70 Bull dogs (what mainstream society refer to as, Pitbull) but she is game (no pun intended, that's for DOGMEN) with the dogs.
Hell, she is as good as one can hope for but I still need to pass the "Budget test" every so often, cause we would have to declare a Recession ... Worse yet, Depression in this household if I were let free to roam as I please when it comes to playing with my hobbies. lol

After 28 yrs, I realized I had/have won the lottery......when it came to having a missus.
Bless her, my dogs, mopars and all my toys.....

Now family is first, and we all will protect them diligently. Our spouses, children, parents, etc....but, "Me car, shot gun and me dawg....I shoot first and then ask..... Did I get him (her) and shoot again." lol

All kidding aside, if you hunt, hit me up and I can take you for some nice moose. (Tastes as good... If not better than deer, in my opinion) Not to mention a much more satisfying hunt.


P.S. Got bear also....