Help, 4 speed console via automatic console

Like you, I have been fortunate to find a good hearted, supportive wife. Mine likes cars, and likes to fish, hunt, and shoot. It definitely helps when you have someone who shares your interests. My ex wasn't into any of it, and that's why my Charger sat for so many years waiting to be done someday. My current wife has a completely different attitude and keeps saying to get the car done!

Couldn't agree with you more that the people on here are great. Very helpful and very experienced!

By the way,..... 70+ dogs??? What?,... are you a rescue shelter?? :) I thought we were bad with our Mastiff, Bull Terrier, and two little Papillions.

Don't sell any just keep the same blood from 1979....13 yrs old first dog and the rest is history, lol
Travel all over the world with them.... And they're great when you Hagee one sticking his head out when the car is parked, no one thinks twice off scratching the car lol