De ja vu all over again?

Sure looks like the same car to me. Same exact tears in the front seats. I thought it was too much at $11,500. I have even less interest at $14,900, even if they DID add a wing.

To each their own though. Wheeler Dealers whole show is based on flipping cars, but they at least fixed things before asking for more money. Looks like all they did to this one is wash it and add a wing. They could have at least dropped a bit of coin to put new seat covers on it.

I have come across a lot of folks that like to buy cars drive them around awhile, maybe put a little money into them, get board or whatever then trade out/sell out for something different. Its a disease... this post looks like he paid full asking price for the car originally put wheels and tires on and decided he wants to get his money out of it. I cant blame him for that, but he does need to clone up.